Discover A New Life Through the Lens of Relaxation
Dr. Karen Gless, Ph.D., RN, LMFT
As a survivor of sexual abuse, harassment and attacks, you have to deal with painful feelings all too often. You may experience blame, guilt and self-doubt--feelings that can get us all tied up and make us miserable. These feelings start out as a survival technique...
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How Do You Protect Yourself from the Corona-virus and Get Your Partner To Do The Same.
Dr. Karen Gless, Ph.D., RN, LMFT
I knew early on that information was going to be important to me and everyone else. So I hope you find illumination in these pages to keep you safe, healthy, inspired and happy. In early February, my husband said that the corona virus finally got...
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The Professor asks, Is Sex Therapy Essential for Everyone?
Dr. Karen Gless, Ph.D., RN, LMFT
Hello Dr. Gless, I am a retired Professor of Physical Sciences; I would really like to know about sex therapy. I loved teaching and I suspect that many of my colleagues and students could gain by knowing about it. What kind of therapy is it?...
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Intimacy, Loneliness and the Internet
Dr. Karen Gless, Ph.D., RN, LMFT
Sadly, it seems that there is an epidemic of loneliness in the U.S. The senator from Nebraska, Ben Sasse, has written a book, The Vanishing American Adult, that examines, among other things, the ways that the internet leads to loneliness. The irony of the internet is...
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Finding Intimacy
Dr. Karen Gless, Ph.D., RN, LMFT
As a therapist, I can see that the nature of a couple’s union has changed over the last 20 years. Fewer couples feel the need to officially marry and women are in a more active and sometimes dominant role as the breadwinner of the family....
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Princess Diana: The Death of True Love, The Birth of a New Love
Dr. Karen Gless, Ph.D., RN, LMFT
Now that it is twenty years since the death of Princess Diana, I have been thinking about the meaning of those events. I cried as I watched the funeral. I had a deep inner sense that not only had we lost a valuable and special...
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The Truth About Women’s Sexual Arousal: Baby, Where’s the Fire
Dr. Karen Gless, Ph.D., RN, LMFT
It’s amazing how many couples have problems with women’s sexual arousal. The man may feel he can’t get his partner turned on or the woman may feel like her libido has rolled over and died. Lack of desire for sex has many causes. But you...
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How to Deal with the Relationship Problem of Desire Differences
Dr. Karen Gless, Ph.D., RN, LMFT
Do you and your partner have trouble agreeing on how often to have sex? This article will show you how to work out your sexual desire differences and discover sexual enhancement. Couples who come in for sex therapy and counseling often have a difference in...
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Discover Winning Relationship Skills From Couples Counseling
Dr. Karen Gless, Ph.D., RN, LMFT
My patient Kathy sat on one side of me in tears, crying. On the other side sat her husband, Peter, with their newborn baby and he clearly wasn’t sure what to do. They were both tired and frustrated so they quickly made an appointment when Kathy’s...
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Work it Out – with a Lot Less Pain
Dr. Karen Gless, Ph.D., RN, LMFT
When I first heard about the idea of routine and core issues, it didn’t seem that important. But when I used it in my relationship and in my practice, I got excited. It made tons of sense and it really did help my husband and...
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How to Rock your Worlds
Dr. Karen Gless, Ph.D., RN, LMFT
A while ago I received an email that started: “I have been in my relationship for 20 years. Now that my wife and I are retired I want to solve problems we have been having with our sex life. My wife seldom orgasms and I...
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The Best Present – on Valentine’s Day
Dr. Karen Gless, Ph.D., RN, LMFT
As Valentine day approaches, men especially are troubled by the question, “What shall I get my sweetheart?” I am reminded of an acquaintance of mine who bought his sweetheart an expensive diamond pendant on a beautiful gold chain. He looked forward to how pretty it would look...
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In Only One Session
Dr. Karen Gless, Ph.D., RN, LMFT
Every couple has their own unique issues when they come into see me. But how couples treat each other is not unique. This is where I can help couples become relationship experts so they can discover how to have a successful, long-lasting, happy relationship. With...
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Staying Sane during the Season
Dr. Karen Gless, Ph.D., RN, LMFT
Sometimes there are just too many things on your plate and you’re not one of them. It is so hard to stop and take care of ourselves sometimes. It is too easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of things. So here...
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Leave her Begging for More – What Women Really Want
Dr. Karen Gless, Ph.D., RN, LMFT
How to Really Leave her Begging for More: The Science of Pleasure There is a belief among men that a session of wild sex that is incredibly exciting will leave a woman begging for more and attached to him for the rest of her life....
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Understanding Delayed Ejaculation
Dr. Karen Gless, Ph.D., RN, LMFT
We all know that some women have trouble having an orgasm during intercourse, but did you know that some men have the same problem? It’s called delayed ejaculation (DE) and it’s just as hard for a man to deal with it as it is for a woman....
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What Helps You be Mindful Into Your Senses and Brings You Joy?
Dr. Karen Gless, Ph.D., RN, LMFT
Do you ever let your inner natural child out? It can be so healing and put you back into that centered happy zone that you deserve to be in. I believe that every adult has a right to be that natural child sometimes. Norman Cousins...
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Even Small Adventures Bring Excitement to Life
Dr. Karen Gless, Ph.D., RN, LMFT
Even Small Adventures Bring Excitement to Life. Here is One of Mine. What are Yours? I hope you enjoy this video as much as I do. I live where wild turkeys are really rare. So to my shock about Thanksgiving time when my husband and...
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Can Senior Sex be the Best Sex?
Dr. Karen Gless, Ph.D., RN, LMFT
Is there sex after 60? Often the answer to that question depends on who you’re talking to. Younger people may think it stops at 50 while those in their 50’s may say 70 or 80. And some people say, “Great sex never stops. It only...
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Peace and Goodwill–at Home: How to Handle Three Trouble Spots
Dr. Karen Gless, Ph.D., RN, LMFT
The holidays are upon us, but what should be a happy time can often be very stress filled and emotionally draining for couples. A big source of upset is that we tend to have very strong expectations of ourselves and our partner about what should...
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Dr. Karen Gless, Ph.D.
Dr. Karen Gless, Ph.D., a therapeutic innovator and author, is a Marriage and Family Therapist and a registered nurse with over 20 years in a successful psychotherapy practice. In her career she is now emphasizing sharing the latest amazing discoveries about what works in relationships. Please also visit my other website: Sex Therapy Doctor